Eden Camile Swenson

Eden Camile Swenson
1 lb 1 oz (510 Grams) 10.4 inches, Born December 28, 2009

Eden Camile Swenson

Eden Camile Swenson
A moment in our arms, forever in our hearts.

My Family

My Family
We love our little Eden. This was taken the end of November in Utah. Eden is in the photo too but in her mommy still. A few days after this photo we had our 20 week ultrasound of our healthy baby girl.

2 Hours Old

2 Hours Old
I couldn't wait to come

These hang above Eden's Bed in the NICU

These hang above Eden's Bed in the NICU
Nurse Averi made the footprints with her birth date, weight, and length. The NICU nurses are great.

About Me

About Me
This hangs by Eden's bed in the NICU.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


There is always hope.

Many have commented via email and so forth that they are amazed at our positive attitude during this scary time. To be quite honest, I am an emotional wreck and Jeremy is the one that from the moment she was born he has been her biggest cheerleader. Just after she was born the NICU nurses/doctors were having to bag her to help inflate her lungs. Jeremy stood next to the nurse doing the bagging and cheered/encouraged her to not stop. He told her if she made it to 70, he would give her a high five. He even at one point massaged her shoulders to keep her going.
That was the first of many moments he has kept me encouraged and positive. I didn't even see him cry till last night while looking at Ayla and Zoey's last photo together on their blog (micro preemie family we just met). I look up to him so much in so many situations of his calm coolness and willing to take charge when everyone is crumbling around him.

When I start getting down, he picks me up and reminds me of the many miracles and blessings that have happened so far with Eden. Jeremy is such a blessing to have as a husband and father. He keeps finding out positive ways we can support Eden with love, spirituality, and hope.
Last night, Jeremy and I spoke about how we can't even think or talk about, "what if..." in a negative way. As if the thoughts are pushed out of our minds and feelings by some other force. This led us to talk about Eden's pregnancy and how so many times we had scares of loosing her from October 13th on to now. Every time we had an inkling of despair we would be amazed and comforted by her healthy heart beat or ultrasounds of her looking like a happy, normal, healthy baby right on her gestational target age. Even with all of the constant bleeding, cramping, pain, low amniotic fluid, repeated pre-term labor, and extraordinary birth; she reminded us constantly of hope and faith that she was ok.
Even, as tiny and premature as she is and with so many odds against her, every day, every hour, she reminds us of hope and faith. How can we deny her as a miracle and all of the many tiny miracles she has made us witness. Hope gets us through and keeps us smiling at our beautiful and tiny little girl Eden.
We are so humbled and thankful for the fact, "there is always hope."


  1. Eden is a precious miracle and Heavenly Father is aware and watching over her. We have asked our Angel-Zoey to visit and cheer and comfort Eden....I think angel babies keep a watch over one another....
    Keep the positive attitude and always look for the good! Many prayers!

  2. Wow what a precious baby girl! WE are thinking of you :)
    Emily and Ivan Patterson
